It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is over for another year. Although it was a lot of work, it was worth it. Having a full house with everything that goes with it, filled my heart with joy.

Family with their different personalities, ideas, hopes, and dreams never cease to amaze me. I love listening to the two or three entirely different conversations going on at the same time, then deciphering it according to their facial expressions, laughter or tone of voice.

As I sat and listened, thoughts floated back to when they were younger. It’s funny how just hearing their voices transforms two who are in their fifties and one forty-something, back to two teens and one tween. I miss those years; especially the antics. I smile now, but boy they could be mischievous.

As, I hear, ” Earth to Mom,” I rejoined the conversation as if I hadn’t left. We Mom’s are pretty good at doing that.  Then as they get ready to go, hugs and kisses for Mom just like when they were younger. Followed by waves and silly as it might sound, butterfly kisses from me to each of the families.

 Now, they head off to visit in-laws and friends, and I am left with memories. Memories that I keep stored in my heart.

 Later, as I sit reading, my mind once again drifts to my children and a sense of pride fills my heart. I am so proud of their life accomplishments, and for the great parents, they are.

Today, the memories of our delicious meal and never-ending conversations, the laughter, and the hugs and kisses swirled around in my mind, and I am happy. It was a feel-good Friday. A feeling I hope last for days to come.